Attorney and Counselor at Law

Law Office of Jeffery S. Brown

General Practice

Power of Attorney

Durable power of attorney will give another person the authority to act on your behalf should you become unable to do so. They can perform various actions for you, including banking, real estate document signing and retirement plan transactions. 

Quit Claim Deed

Quitclaim deeds are used to transfer property.
The most common use for a quit claim deed is, in a divorce situation, where one party is granting the other full rights to, and eliminating any interest in, a property in which both parties held an interest. If a husband and wife own a home and divorce, and the wife acquires the home in the decree, the husband would enact a quit claim deed to eliminate interest in the property. The husband's name would remain on the loan and he would be financially responsible or liable if the wife were to default on the property. However, he would have no interest in the property—if the wife sold the property, the husband would have no claim to money gained from the sale.

The laws that manage and regulate small business and companies are immense and numerous. These laws and regulations are also difficult to interpret because they are written in legal language and not common speaking language. We can help you deal with contracts and other written legal forms to help you understand what they say in common speaking terms.

To learn more about Power of Attorney, Quit Claim Deeds and Contracts, please contact us. 440-322-5522​